CARES Act Provisions

On March 27, 2020, Congress passed, and the President signed, an unprecedented 2 trillion dollar stimulus and relief package into law. The law’s nearly 900 pages provide relief for specific […]

COVID-19: Carrier Enhancements

COVID-19: Carrier Enhancements March 17th, 2020 Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, the CEO’s of major US health insurance companies met at the White House on […]

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Families First Coronavirus Response Act On March 18, 2020, the President signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. While largely the same as the House bill passed on […]

COVID-19: Tips and Prevention

COVID-19: Tips and Prevention Employees may have questions about what they can do to help manage the situation, and as an employer, you want to be proactive in communicating how […]

COVID-19: 7 Important Employer Considerations

COVID-19: 7 Important Employer Considerations As employers prepare for COVID-19 accommodations, Innovative has developed a checklist that offers specific considerations for employers in planning for emergencies like COVD-19. Examples include […]

COVID-19 Communicating With Employees

COVID-19 Communicating with Employees March 12th, 2020 As part of their efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, employers should implement an employee communication plan about the […]

Coronavirus And The Workplace

Coronavirus And The Workplace  March 12th, 2020 Dealing with Epidemics and Communicable or Infectious Diseases As the number of reported cases of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to rise, employers […]

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